Contributing to product-specific documentation

1. Creating issues

  1. Go to the product-specific GitHub repository, for example, the Lisk Core repository, and check that no issue regarding the topic has already been previously created.

  2. Create a new issue:

    1. Choose the fitting issue template and then perform the following:

    2. Fill out the issue description as clearly and detailed as possible.

  3. Go to the Lisk Docs Jira board:

  4. Create a new story:

    1. Copy the summary from the GitHub issue created in step 2.

    2. Copy the description from the GitHub issue.

    3. Paste the link to the GitHub issue under the GitHub URL.

2. Working on issues

  1. Assign yourself to the issue in Jira.

  2. Click on the GitHub URL and assign yourself to the issue on GitHub.

  3. Navigate inside the product-specific repository (e.g. Lisk Core), check out the development branch and pull the latest changes.

  4. Create a new branch to work on the issue.

    1. Give it a descriptive name, and prepend the number of the issue created before.

  5. Move the corresponding Story in Jira to the column "IN PROGRESS".

  6. Work locally on the issue.

  7. Create a pull request to merge your branch into development.

  8. When the PR is ready for review, request a review from a developer familiar with the product and a docs team member.

    1. Notify the reviewers about the review in the #lisk-docs channel via Slack.

    2. Create the corresponding subtasks in Jira and assign the reviewers.

  9. Once the PR is approved by all reviewers, it will be merged automatically.

  10. Once the PR is merged, move the respective Jira Story to the "DONE" column.

In case the issue is related to a previous version of the product, the corresponding base branch/tag for the version should be chosen as the base for working on the issue, instead of development.