Getting started

Clone the lisk-docs repository

git clone

Add GPG key to your GitHub account

It is required that all commits are signed by the person who commits.

A GPG key can be used to sign commits with git.

How to add a GPG key to GitHub and other information about the topic is explained here:

Add git worktrees

Worktrees allow checking out several branches of a repository simultaneously.

Each branch is stored in a folder with a name analog to the branch name.

cd lisk-docs/build
git worktree add docs-sdk docs-sdk (1)
git worktree add docs-service docs-service (2)
git worktree add docs-core docs-core (3)
git worktree add git-pages git-pages (4)
1 Directory for working on SDK docs
2 Directory for working on Service docs
3 Directory for working on Core docs
4 Output directory for the compiled documentation for GitHub Pages
More information about git worktree can be found in the Git documentation reference.

Install Antora

Install Antora to be able to compile the docs for a local preview.

npm i -g @antora/cli@3.0.0 @antora/site-generator@3.0.0
See for more information about how to install Antora.