Testnet and Mainnet v4 migration guide

This guide explains how to migrate a Lisk Core v3 node to Lisk Core v4 using the Lisk Migrator v2.

The Lisk migrator CLI will generate a new genesis block for Lisk Core v4. The new genesis block is created based on a snapshot of the old blockchain (running on Lisk Core v3.1.0 or later) at a given height.

All active validators on the Lisk Mainnet and the Lisk Testnet need to follow this guide to correctly migrate their nodes to the new network, in order to not miss any blocks after the network hard fork.

Optionally, anyone running a Lisk Core v3.1.0 (or later) who is not an active validator can also participate in the migration process. In this case, the following steps 2.4 and 2.5 in this guide can be skipped, as they are only relevant for the current validators.

1. Preparation

System requirements

The following system requirements are recommended for running the migration script:

  • minimum of 8GB RAM

  • minimum 40GB HDD

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS


The following dependencies are required for running the migration script:

  • Version 18 (LTS) installed via NVM

Lisk Core
  • Version 3.1.0 or later

1.1. Ensure you are running version 3.1.0 (or later) of Lisk Core

Ensure you are running version 3.1.0 (or later) of Lisk Core to be able to seamlessly migrate to Lisk Core 4.0.0.

We recommend to install v3.1.1 of Lisk Core, because it comes with the Mainnet snapshot height pre-configured. If using an existing data directory, kindly make sure to use the --overwrite-config flag when restarting the application.

Print the Lisk Core node info in the terminal, and check the value of version. Also, kindly ensure that the backup.height property is present and the corresponding value matches the announced migration height of 23390991.

lisk-core node:info --pretty
If your version is 3.1.0, please ensure to set backup.height to the announced snapshot height in your node config and restart the node with the --overwrite-config flag.

1.2. Setting up the Lisk Migrator

1.2.1. Download the migration script

Navigate into the folder where you want to install the Lisk Migrator, and then download the migration script by running the following command in the terminal:

  • Linux x64

  • Darwin x64

  • Darwin ARM64

curl -o lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz https://downloads.lisk.com/lisk-migrator/lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz
curl -o lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-darwin-x64.tar.gz https://downloads.lisk.com/lisk-migrator/lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-darwin-x64.tar.gz
curl -o lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz https://downloads.lisk.com/lisk-migrator/lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz

1.2.2. Download the checksum and verify

Download the checksum and verify the successful download of the lisk-migrator.

A) Download the checksum.

  • Linux x64

  • Darwin x64

  • Darwin ARM64

curl -o lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz.SHA256 https://downloads.lisk.com/lisk-migrator/lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz.SHA256
curl -o lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-darwin-x64.tar.gz.SHA256 https://downloads.lisk.com/lisk-migrator/lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-darwin-x64.tar.gz.SHA256
curl -o lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz.SHA256 https://downloads.lisk.com/lisk-migrator/lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-darwin-arm64.tar.gz.SHA256

B) Run the following command in the terminal and ensure the output is sha256sum: <file name>: OK

  • Linux

  • Darwin

sha256sum -c lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz.SHA256
sha -a 256 lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz.SHA256

1.2.3. Extract and add to PATH

Unpack it, and then add it to the system path, in order to use it in the terminal:

tar -xf ./lisk-migrator-v2.0.1-linux-x64.tar.gz

Make the lisk-migrator command available in the PATH, e.g. by executing the following command:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/lisk-migrator/bin"

In case the lisk-migrator was extracted somewhere other than your home directory, replace $HOME with the absolute path of where the lisk-migrator folder is located.

1.3. Check the announced snapshot height

The height is needed by the lisk-migrator in the next step. A snapshot of the blockchain will be created at this particular height, which will then be used to create the genesis block for the new blockchain.

1.4. Ensure Lisk Core v3.1.x is fully synced with the network

Check the current block height of your node directly in the terminal by running the following command:

lisk-core node:info --pretty

Compare the current height of your node to the network height in Lisk Desktop, which is shown on the Network or Blocks pages.

To view the current height of the Lisk Testnet, use the network switcher of Lisk Desktop, which can be enabled in the settings.

Alternatively, users can also verify the current height by comparing data.height in the response from the https://service.lisk.com/api/v2/network/status endpoint.

To directly check the current height via the command line, run:

curl --silent https://service.lisk.com/api/v2/network/status | jq '.data.height'

To run the command, both curl and jq are required to be installed.

If both heights are equal, it is verified that your node is fully synced with the network.

1.5. Open ports

Open the necessary ports for Lisk Core v4.

If you migrate the existing Lisk Core v3 config with the --auto-migrate-config flag in the next step Run lisk migrator, please ensure that the necessary ports in the final v4 config are open for communication.

The final config (when auto-migrating) is printed on the screen for the user’s confirmation. You can check for the exact port details there. It should be the same that you were using with v3. Ideally, they should already be open.

Node P2P communication
ufw allow 7667
Node API
ufw allow 7887

1.6. Run lisk migrator

When to start the migrator script?

lisk-migrator can be started any time before the announced snapshot height.

If you have added the lisk-migrator to the PATH as described in the section Setting up the Lisk Migrator, you can start the migration script by running the following command [1] in the terminal:

  • Mainnet

  • Testnet

lisk-migrator --snapshot-height 23390991 --auto-migrate-config --auto-start-lisk-core-v4
lisk-migrator --snapshot-height 20449414 --auto-migrate-config --auto-start-lisk-core-v4
  • --snapshot-height: The height on which the blockchain snapshot will be performed. The snapshot height will be announced separately.

If you choose to specify custom output path with the --output flag, please don’t specify the default data directory for Lisk Core (~/.lisk/lisk-core) or any sub-directory within it, as it might lead to errors during the migration.
Custom data path

In case a custom dataPath is defined in the config, that is different from the default path ~/.lisk/lisk-core, then it is possible to define the data path with the --lisk-core-v3-data-path flag like so:

lisk-migrator --snapshot-height 23390991 --lisk-core-v3-data-path ~/lisk/custom/path/  --auto-migrate-config --auto-start-lisk-core-v4
Custom config

In case a custom config is used for Lisk Core v3, then it is also possible to define the path to the custom config file with the --config flag like so:

lisk-migrator --snapshot-height 23390991 --config=/path/to/config.json --auto-migrate-config --auto-start-lisk-core-v4
Running the migrator in the background

It is possible to use tools such as screen to run the Lisk migrator in the background.

With screen you can detach the current terminal window into the background:

Example (Mainnet) [1]
screen -dmSL migration lisk-migrator --snapshot-height 23390991 --auto-migrate-config --auto-start-lisk-core-v4

Shortly before the migration occurs, it is possible to reattach to the screen, in order to check if everything is working correctly.

First, check the name of the detached screen:

screen -ls

This returns a list of all detached screens with screen:

There is a screen on:
	1842.migration	(05/07/2021 12:35:59 PM)	(Detached)
1 Socket in /run/screen/S-lisk.

Use screen -r and the name of the detached screen you want to connect to

screen -r 1842.migration

2. Migration steps

2.1. Wait until the network reaches the snapshot height

Observe if the lisk-migrator finishes successfully.

Expected migration duration

This can take ~3 mins against the Testnet, and ~5 mins against the Mainnet.

The script will download and install Lisk Core v4 for you automatically.

The flag --auto-migrate-config will automatically migrate the config from the old to the new node.

After the snapshot height is reached, validators have approximately 1 week to enable block generation, to ensure that they do not miss any blocks after the hard fork.

If the node is not migrated, but started at a later point in time, it will simply sync to the current network height. For validators, this might result in missing blocks. For everyone else, it will not have any impact.
How to verify a successful migration

To verify that the migrator created the correct new genesis block, compare the newly created genesis block with others by comparing the hash of the genesis block:

grep \"id\": ./lisk-migrator/output/4c09e6a781fc4c7bdb936ee815de8f94190f8a7519becd9de2081832be309a99/genesis_block.json

The hashes can be shared in the dedicated network channel on lisk.chat.

2.2. Stop Lisk Core v3.1.x

After the lisk-migrator script has finished and the announced snapshot height has passed, there is no reason to continue running Lisk Core v3.1.x, and therefore it is recommended to stop it.

It is important to stop Lisk Core v3 before starting Lisk Core v4. If the migrator is started with --auto-start-lisk-core-v4 flag, the user is prompted to verify that Lisk Core v3 is stopped - only afterwards, the migration script will continue.

Prompt when
Please stop Lisk Core v3 to continue. Type 'yes' and press Enter when ready. [yes/no]: yes
Users that have set something up to start Lisk Core on boot, whether it’s through cron or systemd or something else, should keep that in mind and adjust things accordingly so that Lisk Core 4.0.0 gets started instead of Lisk Core 3.1.x.

Last but not least, remove the folder with Lisk Core v3.1.x.

2.3. Start Lisk Core v4

If you set the flag --auto-start-lisk-core-v4 when running lisk-migrator, it will start Lisk Core v4 in the background (managed by PM2) right after successful migration.

Otherwise, start Lisk Core manually like so:

  • Mainnet

  • Testnet

lisk-core start --network mainnet
lisk-core start --network testnet

Observe the logs in the terminal, to verify the node is starting correctly.

To run Lisk Core in the background install PM2, as described in the guide beta@ROOT::run-blockchain/process-management.adoc.

You can verify that the node is running correctly by executing the following command:

lisk-core system:node-info --pretty

Check the value of version in the response, to verify you are running version 4.0.0 of Lisk Core.

2.4. Enable block generation after the migration (for validators)

After migration, 101 initial validators will be active to generate blocks during the initRounds. All other validators will be banned during the bootstrap period.

initRounds is the number of rounds for the bootstrap period of the new network. The bootstrap period after migration to Core v4 is 587 rounds.

The initial validators will be exactly the 101 validators that were in active positions in the Lisk Core v3 network, at the time of the migration.

For the initial validators, it will be important to enable block generation as soon as possible on the new node, to not miss any block rewards.

It is also important that a maximum number of validators participate in the network migration. If only a small number of validators migrate their nodes, this can prolong the bootstrap period. Additionally, for blocks to be finalized, enough of the active validators (minimum 68) need to participate in the migration process.

After 587 rounds, the normal Lisk PoS protocol will be followed to generate the list of active validators, but only for the validators who have registered their validator keys.

All migrated validators who did not register their keys until the bootstrap period ends will stay banned. To be un-banned, a validator needs to Register legacy validator keys.

2.4.1. Allow methods in the node config

To be able to run certain validator-related commands of the node, it is required to enable security-sensitive methods in the node config.

If you used the migrator with the --auto-start-lisk-core-v4 flag, it is not necessary to update the config, as it is already done by the migrator.
  "rpc": {
    "modes": ["ipc"],
    "allowedMethods": ["generator", "system", "random"]

Restart the node with the --overwrite-config flag, to load the updated configuration.

allowedMethods refers to the method defined in the JSON-RPC specification.

Add the namespace, to allow all endpoints of namespace, or namespace_endpointName to allow a specific endpoint.

2.4.2. Create the validator keys

It is possible to generate all relevant validator keys to enable block generation from the account passphrase.

To do so, use the command keys:create.

The flag --add-legacy is only available in Lisk Core v4.0.0 or later.
  • Mainnet

  • Testnet

lisk-core keys:create --chainid 0 --output ./config/keys.json --add-legacy
lisk-core keys:create --chainid 1 --output ./config/keys.json --add-legacy

Next, you will be prompted for the validator passphrase, and it will also ask for a password, in order to symmetrically encrypt the passphrase for the config.

? Please enter passphrase:  [hidden]
? Please re-enter passphrase:  [hidden]
? Please enter password:  [hidden]
? Please re-enter password:  [hidden]
The password is sensitive information. Store the password used here for the encryption somewhere safe. It will be required every time to enable block generation, in order to decrypt the generator keys on the node.

This will generate the following file, which includes all important keys for the validator account:

  "keys": [
      "address": "lskqaxxmj78frvgpjgwvf4yqjjkcrr9yhn2sxxwm3",
      "keyPath": "legacy",
      "publicKey": "6290c8b58de8b71fedb7e3cb9a6ee9426aa3e7ac0141f278526375d46705b546",
      "privateKey": "759305903f7bbb449cf2fd22e6da476792b63e24558e266a4859f9ed3c91fd7e6290c8b58de8b71fedb7e3cb9a6ee9426aa3e7ac0141f278526375d46705b546",
      "plain": {
        "generatorKeyPath": "m/25519'/134'/0'/0'",
        "generatorKey": "aaecd278a3fadc40a4a824d6f4aa24547d8fb9d075ec4d6967a7084f9a3f2541",
        "generatorPrivateKey": "81316f0582fd2cc0a651318aa0041ce36e7b786033b98ec545ec04078fad67caaaecd278a3fadc40a4a824d6f4aa24547d8fb9d075ec4d6967a7084f9a3f2541",
        "blsKeyPath": "m/12381/134/0/0",
        "blsKey": "815a9e7643cf2bace98d1337f1dca8e39949592cd3fcb79bf3ab5784981468b9987b3340527bc9ca263a2fd061812024",
        "blsProofOfPosession": "add8669bb57f3dceec04dc0f875906cb52a677f1df911536c01f447c8830bf27cd43713af18d84de5a64ec504aeaf9a30521c09438bb5a4d5fd634946c65e0fc4ea3681fdb4f6949cb6c1bc1ac1ddec3df058a13466af5a13d50737938fd7d5f",
        "blsPrivateKey": "36506a53431665265ee03d7e19a5d44db3ff159d9aeee05727a8b24abc67651a"
      "encrypted": {
        "ciphertext": "c3009d4a505ac32a652ffce6aa718073c7ca75b00578420ba20c2533a83f38e2b3e20cf1d6f0c9905efe28b5276142b93fdbdd33134d37bcd2db23654da92bb2becd00971c49ecc749100748c93344477ea52f6073c3fefec7234962d0eccdaa6862d9d0da46dbfe85cef98ad6cab0f2c1cb1b54326617132bb950d1c14a774a1e6403e8fa1bf3a2c7c0d6856266cf738f41ac01b2217d93070c4079e1b82044d3a692ea225290c2b6bcb902e0ffb8132f4c0f29325e6a3a",
        "mac": "2b3c65d0385a870ab499dfcddf411347506671015f412b35600153b132a455ea",
        "kdf": "argon2id",
        "kdfparams": {
          "parallelism": 4,
          "iterations": 1,
          "memorySize": 2024,
          "salt": "a5598628001346f608b3f57dd38b8611"
        "cipher": "aes-256-gcm",
        "cipherparams": {
          "iv": "683600a199d154e51c0f97e6",
          "tag": "32807058f7f89921b4839fc39256cd24"
        "version": "1"

The generated keys are very sensitive information.

Especially the non-encrypted values need to be treated as equally sensitive as the passphrase for an account. So after the keys are imported in step Import the validator keys, make sure to store the file somewhere safe, or delete the file completely.

2.4.3. Import the validator keys

After creating the validator keys as suggested in the Create the validator keys section, the next step is to import them into the node.

lisk-core keys:import --file-path config/keys.json

2.4.4. Set the hash onion

Without the hash onion, a validator won’t be able to receive any rewards for generating new blocks, although the blocks would still be valid in that case. To not miss any rewards, it is of high interest for a validator to set the hash onion, before enabling block generation on the node.

Set the hash-onion by invoking the setHashOnion endpoint via the endpoint:invoke CLI command.

lisk-core endpoint:invoke random_setHashOnion '{"address":"lskqaxxmj78frvgpjgwvf4yqjjkcrr9yhn2sxxwm3"}'

2.4.5. Import validator info data

Look in the output directory of the lisk-migrator for a file called forgingStatus.json (the specific location will be in the migrator output), this will contain the valid validator info data to enable block generation on the Lisk Core v4 node.

Migrator output example
Finished exporting forging status to /root/lisk-migrator/output/15f0dacc1060e91818224a94286b13aa04279c640bd5d6f193182031d133df7c/forgingStatus.json
Alternative option in the event of data loss
In case the validator info data is lost, the validator can use the snapshot height for height, maxHeightPrevoted and maxHeightGenerated to enable block generation safely.

The v3 forging info data corresponds to the v4 validator info data in the following way:

  • heightheight

  • maxHeightPrevotedmaxHeightPrevoted

  • maxHeightPreviouslyForgedmaxHeightGenerated

To import the validator info data, invoke the endpoint generator_setStatus like so:

lisk-core endpoint:invoke generator_setStatus '{ "address": "lskbgyrx3v76jxowgkgthu9yaf3dr29wqxbtxz8yp", "height": 20432255, "maxHeightGenerated": 20432207, "maxHeightPrevoted": 20432159 }' --pretty

2.4.6. Enable block generation

Now, it is possible to enable block generation on the new node for your validator by using the generator:enable command of the Lisk Core CLI.

lisk-core generator:enable lskqaxxmj78frvgpjgwvf4yqjjkcrr9yhn2sxxwm3 --use-status-value

Replace the address lskqaxxmj78frvgpjgwvf4yqjjkcrr9yhn2sxxwm3 with your validator address, the --use-status-value flag will use the validator info data that was imported in the previous step Import validator info data.

Don’t use zeros as validator info data!

If the validator already generated blocks with Lisk Core v3, they need to use their current validator info data. The validator info data is migrated during the migration process, and can directly be used to enable block generation on the v4 node.

To directly set the values, use the --use-status-value flag, or set the values manually as described below.

For setting the values manually, first get the data:

lisk-core generator:status --pretty

And then set the values manually by adding the relevant flags:

lisk-core generator:enable lskqaxxmj78frvgpjgwvf4yqjjkcrr9yhn2sxxwm3 --height=123 --max-height-generated=101 --max-height-prevoted=101

2.5. Register legacy validator keys

This step is crucial for migrating validators!
As already mentioned, all non-initial validators will be banned during the bootstrap period. The registration of the legacy validator keys has to be done at the latest by the end of initRounds, to be eligible to generate blocks in the new network. Otherwise, the validator will continue to be banned on the network, until the validator keys are registered in the legacy module.

To register the legacy validator keys with the new node, create a new registerKeys transaction like so:

lisk-core transaction:create legacy registerKeys 400000 --key-derivation-path=legacy --send

It will ask you for the required parameters:

? Please enter passphrase:  [hidden]
? Please enter: blsKey:
? Please enter: proofOfPossession:
? Please enter: generatorKey:

The required parameters can be obtained from the keys.json file, which was created in step Create the validator keys previously.

To send transactions from multisignature accounts, please follow the instructions here.

The migration of Lisk Core from v3 to v4 is now completed.

If you have specific questions regarding the process or need additional support, please reach out in the dedicated community channels, like https://lisk.chat/.

1. Snap versions of Lisk Core store everything in ~/snap/lisk-core/current/.lisk/lisk-core instead of ~/.lisk/lisk-core